Company Description
Grove Daniel from Fallbrook, CA. Company specialized in: Chiropractors.
Call us for more - (760) 723-3606
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Ceila R.
on Facebook
30 Jan 2016
Iso: A good, reasonable horse chiropractor
$1 - Escondido, California
My boy always seems a little cinchy and it's not saddle fit. He also seems sensitive from time to time in his shoulder and wither area. He is in good health, but thinking a good chiro will be good for him. Obviously don't want to spend an arm and a leg but don't want to sacrifice quality for price! TIA!
Kristen G.: Ryan Heaton of West Coast Equine Medicine 760-723-3606.
Zee Z.
on Facebook
28 Sep 2015
Who is the best local vet to use for navicular issues?
$1 - Valkey center
Michelle K.: West Coast Equine 760-723-3606
Noel N.
on Facebook
26 Sep 2015
Anyone have suggestions on who is reasonable locally for having a horse gelded? Thanks
Michelle K.: Dr. Grove is the best ball cutter in the west. 760 723 3606
Grace N.
on Facebook
11 Aug 2015
I noticed my mare a bit different yesterday, we think she had colic so we treated it. No this morning she looks sad any advice or any recommendations on a vet that can see her today?
Jennifer W.: He is in Fallbrook and will come to you. His number is 760-723-3606.
Brianah R.
on Facebook
07 Aug 2015
ISO recommendations for a good equine chiropractor and masseuse.
I'm located in Vista.
Kristen G.: Dr. Ryan Heaton of West Coast Equine Medicine 760-723-3606
Nita M.
on Facebook
07 Jul 2015
Looking for Equine Vet to geld my saddlebred in Vista ? Any recommendations please . Cost ??
Kristen G.: West Coast Equine Medicine 760-723-3606. It is $305 for the gelding and call fee.
Alexi C.
on Facebook
30 Jun 2015
I'm looking to purchase a performance horse in the Temecula area... I'm from northern CA but am looking for referrals for s great Vet that has the proper technology for ultra sounds... Admin please delete if not allowed... TYA
Kristen G.: Dr. Grove and Dr. Heaton of West Coast Equine Medicine 760-723-3606
Brody W.
on Facebook
05 Jun 2015
Is there a horse vet out here I need one
Michelle S.: West Coast Equine Medicine. 760-723-3606 3 Vets in the practice, always available, very affordable, Excellent vets!! Dr. Grove Dr. Heaton Dr. Anderson
Emily P.
on Facebook
21 Dec 2014
Can anyone tell me what the rates are for a horse chiropractor? Anyone know a good one?
Kristen G.: Dr. Ryan Heaton of West Coast Equine Medicine 760-723-3606

Grove Daniel
147 Pamela Dr Fallbrook, CA
(760) 723-3606